Hello; Sirack here. I am a passionate cybersecurity practitioner with over 10 years of experience in mobile security. I was one of the founding engineers at Better Mobile Security. Over the years, I built products that helped consumers & enterprises secure their mobile devices. From device management to endpoint security to building SDKs for developers. This newsletter is going to focus on all things mobile security.
- This is not a technical blog. The focus is to introduce mobile security to the wider cybersecurity community. It's a very small circle with limited industry players. Even the most experienced cybersecurity professionals don't fully grasp the threats that exist
- Review mobile security companies
- Review product launches
- Introduce new ideas & perspectives.
Get in touch - sirack [at] sandboxbrief [dot] com
Welcome to Sandbox Brief
"See all things" - Bruce Lee It's been my recurring plan to write. Whether it's a technical blog, something I observed or have an opinion on. I gave myself plenty of reasons not to do it. Work, imposter syndrome, fear of rejection, etc. But
Agentless MTD
Update #1 - Looks like there is one other company that doing something adjacent. Q-Scout Okay. Let's begin. For those who do not know MTD; it's Mobile Threat Defense. It is a system of products and services designed to protect mobile devices from different threats. These
Apple Intelligence - What we know so far
Apple intelligence was introduced back in June. This was somewhat expected given the explosive growth of LLM models everywhere spearheaded by Chat-GPT. Google followed up by releasing Gemini Nano optimized for mobile devices. In this post I will summarize (in short ;)) what I gather so far from some of the
Is Android Killing TEE?
The Android operating system inherits its security controls from Linux. While these controls are sufficient for most apps, there are use cases where apps require stringent security environment to execute code. E.g. Your banking app needs to transfer funds securely. Google answered this question by providing TEE. TEE stands
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